14 – Bayeux War Cemetery

Lancaster LL783 PG-C “Cinders of the Clouds”
619 Sqn
Date :  07 juin 1944
Mission :  Bombardement d’installations ferroviaires à Caen (14)
Décollage :  Dunholme Lodge à 00:55
Causes de la perte :
Lieu de la perte :
 Auvers (50)
FS Wilfred Herbert DE VIELL
AB RAFVR 1384585 POW
Sgt Jack Frederick James FORREST FE RAFVR 1583098 POW
Plt Off John Ernest LOTT Nav RAFVR 178572 KIA
Flt Lt Kimberley ROBERTS Pil RAAF 415358 MIA Medaille - Distinguished-Flying-Cross.png Runnymede Memorial
FS John Ernest TUCKER WOP AG RAFVR 1321777 KIA Inhumé à Tilly-sur-Seules (14)
FS Leslie Edward WILLIAMS AG RAFVR 1627306 KIA
Fg Off Guy Herbert WYAND AG RAFVR 146076 KIA

Distinguished Flying Cross.
Pilot Officer Kimberley ROBERTS (Aus. ‘415358) Royal Australian Air Force. No. 619 Squadron.
Distinguished Flying Medal.
Aus. 421539 Flight Sergeant Gilbert Charles. KING, Royal Australian Air Force, No. 619 Squadron.
This officer and airman were pilot and rear gunner respectively of an aircraft detailed to attack Stuttgart one night in March, 1944. Whilst over the target area, Sergeant King reported an enemy aircraft closing in to attack. Pilot Officer Roberts took the necessary, evading action but the bomber was hit by the enemy’s bullets and sustained damage. Even so, he cleverly manoeuvred to a position from which Sergeant King was able to engage the enemy. Following a well placed burst of fire from his guns, the enemy aircraft was seen to dive towards the ground, out of control and with its engines on fire. Pilot Officer Roberts then completed his bombing run and afterwards flew the damaged aircraft to base. This officer and airman displayed commendable skill, courage and coolness.

Stèle à Auvers (50)

26 mai 2020 : Ajout des prénoms du FS DE VIELL et du Sgt FORREST
03 décembre 2021 : ajout de la stèle située à Auvers (50)