94 – Villeneuve-St-Georges Ancien cimetière


P51 Mustang FB194 QV-
19 Sqn
Date:20 août 1944
Mission:Sweep secteur Compiègne Fontainebleau Paris
Décollage:ALG B12 Ellon à 18:32
Causes de la perte
Abattu en combat aérien contre des Fw190
Lieu de la perte
Rouvres (77)
New ZelandFlt Lt
Basil Gordon
COLLYNSPilRNZAF391342KIADistinguished Flying Cross

Distinguished Flying Cross
Flight Lieutenant Basil Gordon COLLYNS (NZ.391342), R.N.Z.A.F..I9 Sqn.
This officer, now on his second tour of operational flying, has completed a large number of sorties. As flight commander, he has led his flight with outstanding skill and courage and has inflicted much damage on the enemy. During August, 1944, the squadron met a large force of enemy aircraft, and Flight Lieutenant Collyns displayed considerable ability and initiative by leading his flight to attack the enemy top cover, thus enabling the remainder of the squadron to engage the lower enemy formation. This officer has destroyed 7 enemy aircraft and damaged many others.
FOURTH SUPPLEMENT TO The London Gazette Of FRIDAY, the 13th of OCTOBER, 1944.