80 – Méharicourt

Lancaster KB726 VR-A 419 Sqn
Date : 13 juin 1944 Mission : Bombardement d’installations ferroviaires à Cambrai (59)
Décollage : Middleton à St George à 21:44
Causes de la perte : Abattu par un Ju 88
Lieu de la perte : Gaudiempre (62)
Fg Off A. Robert BODY
RCAF J/25292 EVA
Plt Off Arthur BREYNE
RCAF J/24319 EVA
Fg Off George Patrick
RCAF J/35142 EVA
Sgt Jack William
RCAF R/186609 POW
WO2 W. James KELLY
RCAF R/100664 EVA
WO2 Andrew Charles MYNARSKI
RCAF J/87544 KIA
Royaume Uni Sgt Roy Ernest VIGARS
RAFVR 1852652 POW
The KING has been graciously pleased to confer the VICTORIA CROSS on the under­ mentioned officer in recognition of most conspicus bravery :
Pilot Officer Andrew Charles MYNARSKl (CAN./J.87544) (deceased), Royal Canadian Air Force, No. 419 (R.C.A.F.) Squadron.
Pilot Officer Mynarski was the Mid-upper gunner of a Lancaster aircraft, detailed to attack a target at Cambrai in France, on the night of 12th June, 1944. The aircraft was attacked from below and astern by an enemy fighter and ultimately came clown in flames. As an immediate result of the attack, both port engines failed. Fire broke out between the Mid-upper turret and the rear turret, as well as in the port wing. The flames soon became fierœ a:nd the captain ordered the crew to abandon the aircraft. Pilot Officer Mynarski left his turret and went towards the escape hatch. He then saw that the rear gunner was still in his turret and apparently unable to leave it. The turret was in fact, immovable, since the hydraulic gear had been put out of action when the port engines failed, and the manual gear had been broken by the gunner in his attempts to escape. Without hesitation, Pilot Officer Mynarski made his way through the flames in an endeavour to reach the rear turret and release the gunner. Whilst so doing, his parachute and his clothing, up to the waist, were set on fire. Ail his efforts to move the turret and free the gunner were in vain. Eventually the rear gunner dearly indicated to him that there was nothing more he could do and that he should try to save his own life. Pilot Officer Mynarski reluctantly went back through the flames to the escape batch. There as a last gesture to the trapped gunner, he turned to­ wards him, stood to attention in his flaming clothing and saluted, before he jumped out of the aircraft. Pilot Officer Mynarski’s descent was seen by French people on the ground. Both his parachute and clothing were on fire. He was found eventually by the French, but was so severely burnt that he died from his injuries. The rear gunner had a miraculous escape when the aircraft crashed. He subsequently testified that had Pilot Officer Mynarski not attempted to save his comrade’s life, he could have left the aircraft in safety and would, doubtless, have escaped death. Pilot Officer Mynarski must have been fully aware that in trying to free the rear gunner he was almost certain to lose his own life. Despite this, with outstanding courage and complete disregard for his own safety, he went to the rescue. Willingly accepting the danger, Pilot Officer Mynarski lost his life by a most conspicuous act of heroism which called for valour of the highest order.
28 mai 2020 : Ajout des prénoms du Sgt BROPHY, FRIDAY et VIGARS