76 – Saint-Vigor-d’Ymonville

Lancaster ND817 6O-S
582 Sqn
Date : 08 août 1944
Mission : Operation TOTALIZE : bombardement de soutien des troupes au sol à Mare de Magne (14)
 Décollage : Little Saughton à 22.10
Causes de la perte
Abattu par un chasseur de nuit
Lieu de la perte
Saint-Vigor-d’Ymonville (76)
Fg Off Reginald William BLAYDON *
Distinguished Flying Medal
FS Robert George CAMPBELL
WO Edwin James HAWKER
AB RAFVR 1354388 KIA
Flt Lt Alan Faulkner HILL
Nav RAFVR 123999 EVA Distinguished Flying Cross
Australie F/Ft Robert Vincent KING
FE RAAF 414410 POW
WO John “Paddy” TORRANS
FE RAFVR 1126191 EVA
Sqn Ldr Robert “Bob” WAREING
Pil RAFVR 86325 POW BAR Distinguished Flying Cross

* Fg Off BLAYDON était membre de l’équipage du Wellington R1244 WS- du 9 squadron qui le 22 janvier 1941 au retour d’une mission sur Turin (Italie) est forcé d’atterir près de Mizérieux (01). Prisonnier réussi à s’évader et rejoint l’Angleterre en mai 1942.

Distinguished Flying Cross.
Pilot Officer Robert WAREING (86325), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 106 Squadron.
One night in April, 1941, this officer was captain of an aircraft detailed to carry out a low level attack on two enemy battle cruisers at Brest. When making his attack, Pilot Officer Wareing came down to 1,000 feet but owing to the darkness he was short of his target. He was immediately met by a terrific anti-aircraft barrage and searchlights. Despite this, he pressed on but was unable to identify his target. Undaunted, however, he decided to make another attack and, regaining height, flew over the target area for about 40 minutes and finally made a successful attack on one of the ships dropping an extremely heavy bomb which was seen to burst either on the ship or on the dockside. This officer displayed great coolness and courage in the face of tremendous opposition.
THE LONDON GAZETTE, Friday, 25 April, 1941

26 juin 2021 : Ajour informationsur Fg Off BLAYDON