76 – Rouen Cimetière Saint Server

Lancaster LL732 JI-H2514 Sqn
Date : 02 mai 1944
Mission : Bombardement d’installations ferroviaires de Chambly (60)
Décollage : Waterbeach à 22:47
Causes de la perte : Abattu par la chasse de nuit
Lieu de la perte : “Cote de la Vignette” à Reilly (60)
Royaume-UniFg OffHarold CherberdBRYANTAGRAFVR143598KIADistinguished-Flying-Cross
Royaume-UniFSRobert SamuelCOLEWOP AGRAFVR1387235KIA
Royaume-UniFlt LtRobert JulianCURTISPilRAFVR120090KIADistinguished-Flying-Medal
Royaume-UniFSBryan GeorgeGREENABRAFVR1450549KIA
Royaume-UniWORaymond Frank JospehHALLAGRAFVR976457KIA
Royaume-UniFg OffWilliam Liewelyn WynnJONESNavRAFVR135670KIA
Royaume-UniSgtStanley FrankMARTINFERAFVR1032632KIA
Distinguished Flying Cross.
Flying Officer Harold Cherberd BRYANT (143598),Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 514 Squadron
This officer was the Mid-upper gunner of an aircraft detailed to attack Frankfurt one’ night in March, 1944. Whilst on the bombing run the windscreen on the starboard side of his turret was shattered. An article of stores was seen to be on fire close to an ammunition tank. The danger was averted by Flying Officer Bryant, however, who acted with great promptitude and ejected the burning article through the broken windscreen. Although his turret could not be rotated mechanically, while the windscreen was shattered, Flying Officer Bryant insisted on manning the position and remained alert to the possibility of fighter interference. His oxygen tube had been severed by flying splinters but he resourcefully maintained his supply by holding the severed ends together. This officer displayed great courage, fortitude and devotion to duty.
Fourth Supplement of The London Gazette of tuesday, the 18st of APRIL, 1944