60 – Beauvais Nécropole Nationale

Lancaster ND811 F2-T635 Sqn
Date :  04 août 1944Mission :  Bombardement du site de V1 de St Maximin Trossy (60)
Décollage :  Dowham à 11:15
Causes de la perte :  Abattu par la Flak
Lieu de la perte :  “Le Bois de Caillys” à Senantes (60)
Royaume-UniSqn LdrIan WilloughbyBAZALGETTEPilRAFVR118131KIA Distinguished-Flying-Cross Inhumé à Senantes (60)
Royaume-UniFg OffDouglasCAMERONAGRAFVR146616EVADistinguished-Flying-Medal
Royaume-UniFlt LtGeoffroyGODDARDNavRAFVR158895EVA
Royaume-UniFg OffCharles RandallGODFREYWOP AGRAFVR146099EVADistinguished-Flying-Cross
Royaume-UniFlt LtIvan AlderwinHIBBERTABRAFVR1498227KIADistinguished-Flying-Cross
AustralieFSVernon Victor RusselLEEDERAGRAAF419272KIA
Royaume-UniSgtGeorge RichardTURNERFERAFVR1500098EVA

Victoria Cross
Acting Squadron Leader Ian Willoughby BAZALGETTE D.F.C. (118131) R.A.F.V.R. 635 Squadron (deceased)
“On 4th August, 1944, Squadron Leader Bazalgette was ” master bomber” of a Pathfinder squadron detailed to mark an important target at Trossy St. Maximin for the main bomber force. When nearing the target his Lancaster came under heavy anti-aircraft fire. Both starboard engines were put out of action and serious fires broke out in the fuselage and the starboard main-plane. The bomb aimer was badly wounded. As the deputy ” master bomber” had already been shot .down, the success of the attack depended on Squadron Leader Bazalgette and this he knew. Despite the appalling conditions in his burning aircraft, he pressed on gallantly to the target, marking and bombing it accurately. That the attack was successful was due to his magnificent effort. After the bombs had been dropped the Lancaster dived, practically out of control. By expert airmanship and great exertion. Squadron Leader Bazalgette regained control. But the port inner engine then failed and the whole of the starboard main-plane became a ass of flames. Squadron Leader Bazalgette fought bravely to bring his aircraft and crew to safety. The Mid-upper gunner was overcome by fumes. Squadron Leader Bazalgette then ordered those of his crew who were able to leave by parachute to do so. He remained at the controls and attempted the almost hopeless task of landing the crippled and blazing aircraft in a last effort to save the wounded bomb aimer and helpless air gunner. With superb skill, and taking great care to avoid a small French village nearby, he brought the aircraft down safely. – Unfortunately, it then exploded and this gallant officer and his two comrades perished. His heroic sacrifice marked the-climax of a long career of operations against the enemy. He always chose the more dangerous and exacting roles. His courage and devotion to duty were beyond praise.”
Sixth Supplement to The London Gazette of tuesday, the 14th of AUGUST, 1945

Distinguished Flying Cross
Pilot Officer Ivan Alderwin HIBBERT (149827), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 10 Squadron.
As air bomber, Pilot Officer Hibbert has participated in very many sorties and has displayed great skill, coolness and devotion to duty. On several occasions his aircraft has been damaged by enemy action but, unperturbed. Pilot Officer Hibbert has executed his bombing tasks with accuracy and determination. He has displayed great confidence throughout, setting a very fine example.
THIRD SUPPLEMENT to The London Gazette of FRIDYA, the 26th of NOVEMBER, 1943

18 mai 2020 : Ajout des prénoms du Sgt TURNER

Stèle à Senantes (60)