51 – Bassu

Lancaster KB719 VR-T
419 Sqn
Date:25 juillet 1944
Mission:Stuttgart (All.)
Décollage:Middleton-St-George à 21:02
Causes de la perte
Abattu par un chasseur de nuit
Lieu de la perte
Heiltz-le-Maurupt (51)
CanadaFSWilfred HenryDEVINE
Royaume UniSgtJamesNORMAN
Distinguished Flying Medal
CanadaSgtRichard GlanvilleMACKINNON
CanadaFSJack AlbertPHILLIS
CanadaPlt OffJohn EllardSEARSON
CanadaPlt OffJohn PatrickSHORTT
CanadaPlt OffJackSPEVAK

Distinguished Flying Medal
1868905 Sergeant James NORMAN, R.A.F.V.R., 410 (R.C.A.F.) Sqn.
In July, 1944 Sergeant Norman was the flight engineer in an aircraft detailed to attack Siracourt. It was a daylight sortie. When grossing the enemy coast heavy anti-aircraft fire was
encountered. The aircraft was hit. Two petrol tanks were pierced by fragments of shell. Displaying quick resource, Sergeant Norman switched all four engines on to one of the damaged tanks in order to use as much petrol as possible before it all leaked away. He afterwards rendered much assistance in the careful treatment of 2 defective engines. His skill, resource and determination contributed materially to the success of the operation. This airman has participated in numerous sorties and has displayed great coolness and good judgment.
FOURTH SUPPLEMENT TO The London Gazette Of FRIDAY, the 22nd of SEPTEMBER, 1944