14 – Pont-l’Évêque

B25 Mitchell FW105 MQ-C
226 Sqn
Date : 28 août 1944
Mission : Ramrod : Ferry sur la Seine à Duclair (76)
Décollage :Hartford Bridge à 19:10
Causes de la perte :Endommagé par la Flak doit effectuer un crash-landing
Lieu de la perte :
Secteur de Pont-l’Évêque (14)
FSWilliam Henry MauriceBOYCERAFVR1316861WIA EVA
Sqn LdrGilbertCAMPBELL
PilRAF46638EVAMedaille - BAR-Distinguished-Flying-Cross.png  KIA le 19/11/1944 (B25 Mitchell FW146). Inhumé à Jonkerbos War Cemetery (Ned)
Fg OffLawrence GerardPURCELLWOPRAFVR132983KIATué dans l’appareil par la Flak
Fg OffArthur LeonardSHARPRAFVR155807EVA
Fg OffPeter JosephSTACKRAFVR133540WIA EVAMedaille - Distinguished-Flying-Cross.png
Bar to Distinguished Flying Cross.
Acting Squadron Leader Gilbert CAMPBELL, D.F.C.(46638), R.A.F., 226 Sqn.
Squadron Leader Campbell has completed many sorties against a variety of targets by day and night. In August, 1944, he was detailed for an operation against a ferry at Duclair. Despite heavy anti-aircraft fire the attack was pressed home with good results. Shortly after the bombs had fallen the aircraft was struck. It immediately became almost uncontrollable and height was lost rapidly. Petrol poured from the pierced tanks and the starboard engine caught fire. The situation seemed hopeless. Coolly and skilfully, however, Squadron Leader Campbell effected a crash-landing. As the aircraft touched down it burst into flames. All the: crew, with the exception of the top gunner had got clear. Without hesitation, Squadron Leader Campbell entered the wreckage in order to release his comrade. Unfortunately he had succumbed. This brave pilot displayed conduct in keeping with the best traditions of the Royal Air Force.
26 mai 2020 : Ajout des prénoms et n° de matricule du FS BOYCE