55 – Les Souhesmes


Stirling R9270 MG-T 7 Sqn
Date : 08 mars 1943
Mission : Hamburg (Allemagne)
Décollage : Oakington à 19:08
Causes de la perte
Abattu par un chasseur de nuit Me 110 (Oblt. Hans Autenrieth du 6./NJG4)
Lieu de la perte
“Les Jaunottes” à Les Souhesmes (55)
Royaume Uni Sgt Eric Thomas BENEY AG RAFVR 1277051 KIA
Royaume Uni FS Frank William Richard COLE FE RAF 616283 KIA Distinguished Flying Medal
Australie Plt Off Lee Gordon GOSPER WOP RAAF 402985 KIA Distinguished Flying Cross
Royaume Uni Plt Off Henry HARWOOD AG RAFVR 142910 KIA Distinguished Flying Medal
Royaume Uni FS William Peel HUDSON AG RAFVR 1378108 KIA Distinguished Flying Medal
Royaume Uni Flt Lt Crofton Lustleigh SELMAN Nav RAFVR 109922 KIA Distinguished Flying Cross
Royaume Uni Flt Lt John Patrick TRENCH Pil RAFVR 68742 KIA Distinguished Service Order

Distinguished Service Order.
Flying Officer John Patrick TRENCH (68742) Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 7 Squadron.
Distinguished Flying Cross.
Pilot Officer Crofton Lustleigh SELMAN (109922) Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 7 Squadron.
Distinguished Flying Medal.
986411 Sergeant Ivor John EDWARDS, No. 7 Squadron.
One night in September, 1942, Flying Officer Trench, Pilot Officer Selman and Sergeant Edwards were captain, navigator and wireless operator respectively of an aircraft of a bomber force which attacked Dusseldorf. Whilst over the target area, the aircraft was repeatedly hit by anti-aircraft fire. The petrol tanks were pierced, while some oil pipe lines were severed. In spite of this, Flying Officer Trench persisted in his mission and the target was bombed successfully. On the return journey, the aircraft lost height. All moveable equipment, even parachutes, were jettisoned in an effort to maintain height and the North Sea was eventually crossed at between 100 and 200 feet. After crossing the English Coast, the aircraft was force-landed and, on impact with the ground, burst into flames. Flying Officer Trench and Sergeant Edwards were rendered unconscious but Pilot Officer Selman, with complete disregard of danger, extricated his comrades and pulled them clear of the burning aircraft. Throughout, these members of the crew of this aircraft displayed great courage, fortitude and devotion to duty in the face of extremely harassing circumstances.